Feb 5Liked by Christy Harden









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Feb 5ยทedited Feb 5Liked by Christy Harden

I am so here for all of this. Disenchantment - check. Wanting to write things that people will understand and I can help save the world - check. Wanting to be noticed for my writing, my speaking, my very existence. It's a drug, isn't it? This wanting to be noticed, floating above the flotsam and jetsam of life. We all just want to matter in some way, right? You matter to your daughter. I matter to my partner. We're all matter - one day here and the next gone. I do sit and ask the universe what to do - what next? What will make a difference? I don't have any more hopes and dreams. Nothing I need, or want, to pursue. Is it enough to just be? Like you, this will shift after I hit "post" - but for now, I simply am. Breathing, existing, trying to not worry if I gain or lose a "follower" or how many people read my posts. We're all wrapped up in ourselves - maybe that's why it's special when someone else, who is equally wrapped up in themselves, takes note of us. Maybe if we take note of others more ... hey, maybe that's something to write about. But, I ramble ...

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